Tuesday, April 24, 2012

What's It Gonna Cost?

Today's topic is something NO ONE likes to talk about, but pertains to EVERYONE.  We sure wish someone had talked more about this topic, actually.  So, I'm going to start the dialogue.  Seth agrees that we should post this, in the case that it helps anyone out there.

Medical expenses of having a baby ...  Here's the info we received directly from the hospital about what to expect:

External Cephalic Version (ECV)
$   500 mandatory co-pay
$3,000 minimum outpatient facility cost at the hospital*
$     95 Initial consultation with Perinatologist
$    439  Subsequent visit for procedure

*Whether or not this would have been covered by insurance is still uknown.  They said we needed to be pre-authorized for coverage, but they would only start the pre-authorization process once we had committed to the procedure.  Makes sense?  Not to us, either.  For some background info, please refer to this prior blog post.

Vaginal Delivery with 1-day stay**
Mom:  $4,800 to $5,490
Baby:  $1,780 to $2,310
Total:  $6,580 to $7,800

Vaginal Delivery with 2-day stay**
Mom:  $6,350 to $8,100
Baby:  $2,700 to $4,000
Total:  $9,050 to $12,100

Scheduled c-section with 3-night stay (standard minimum)
Mom:  $15,100 to $17,600
Baby:  $  3,820 to $  4,600
Total:  $18,920 to $22,200

Scheduled c-section with 4-night stay
Mom:  $16,300 to $20,700
Baby:  $  4,880 to $  5,630
Total:  $21,180 to $26,330

** Vaginal delivery estimates are based only 12 hours OR LESS of labor, with no epidural, no induction, and no complications.  Sounds VERY realistic, right? SMH.

The following charges are billed separately:
  • Pediatrician (for newborn check-up)
  • Anesthesiologist
  • Blood testing
  • Ultrasounds
  • Diabetes screening
Epidural supplies charge range from $1,800 to $2,300

Fortunately for us, our health insurance covers everything, however, here's what we do pay:
$   450 "delivery package" co-pay
$   600 "facility" co-pay (hospital)
$1,050 Total (again this does not include Pediatrician or Anesthesiologist fees)

Now, if we pay this at the time we're discharged, there is a 15% discount.  Within 30 days, there is a 10% discount.

Oh, but there's more:
  • Baby has his own deductible of $300.  We have 90 days to add him to our insurance plan.
  • Our out-of-pocket max is $2,500, of which we have met $366 (from Blood testing and diabetes screening).

At the end of the day, it IS a business.  The business of being born, you could say.

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