Tuesday, April 17, 2012

8 Month Ultrasound ... stats

03.13.12:  It was during this viewing that we first learned baby is breeched (meaning: head has not turned downwards to the necessary birthing position).  His position was essentially being folded in half: legs extended over the top of his body, with his feet past his the top of his head.  This is called the Frank Breech position:

As a result, we didn't get a view of baby's face due to all the limbs covering his front.  Most babies have turned by this fetal age, and then continue to grow bigger afterwards being positioned upside down in the womb. 

Size Update: 4 pounds, 6 oz. -- 62nd percentile for weight.  Anything below the 10th percentile or over the 90th percentile is potentially unhealthy and a red flag.

03.27.12:  8.5 month check-up.  The nurse practioner guaranteed that baby was at least 5 pounds by now.  This also means that there is a good 10 pounds of fluid in my abdomen as well.  She used this neat device called a VSCAN (portable ultrasound) to check baby's position:

Low and behold:  Baby Skogen is still breeched!

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