Thursday, April 5, 2012

It's a Boy!

Well, in all honesty, we've known for quite some time.  Our 2nd ultrasound was on Dec. 20, 2011 (a.k.a. Month 5).  We could not have asked for a better Christmas gift!  It was wonderful to hear the great news about baby's gender, health, progress, etc.  Each time we see baby through the ultrasound on that wall-mounted flatscreen monitor, it feels as though we are "re-visiting" him (and as of that date, there was no more referring to baby as "It!").

Full-body view of baby. Even though head is facing up, baby's hips are turned so you can only see his right leg.

Here is a bird's eye view of baby's face.  At this point, his eyelids were still closed and would not be able to open for at least another month.
While we do see baby's eyeball here, his eyelids are still officially closed.  We were very surprised to witness baby's mouth opening and closing (in real time)!  He was gulping amniotic fluid; this is how he "eats"

"Those feet look too wide to be a girl's" -- Seth (BEFORE we were told it was a boy!)

3D view of baby's body.  He is looking downwards & covering his face with his arms.
"No pictures, please!"  I suppose the flash was a bit much for him ... (?)

Baby's face.  Consensus all around is that baby bears a strong resemblance to Daddy.

Baby is playing "Peek-a-Boo" with us already!

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